Lynette Charters The Missing Women Series
VonLynette ChartersJohn Serembe
Normalerweise in 3-5 Werktagen gedruckt
Lynette Charters is the painter of The Missing Women Series. This is a droll look at the art scene from a female-identifying perspective. Our verbal and visual communications present a predominantly white, cis gender, heterosexual male perspective. An overwhelming difficulty for any woman is owning her body without it seemingly on display for male appreciation. Their accomplishments are frequently uncompensated, appropriated, unrecorded and not applauded outside the realm of domesticity. I highlight how women are presented but not represented in art, society, the media and documented history. These issues are exacerbated with financial insecurity and dependency women suffer created in the current pandemic.
- Veröffentlicht am
- Apr 16, 2022
- Sprache
- English
- 9781435788275
- Kategorie
- Kunst & Fotografie
- Copyright
- Alle Rechte vorbehalten - Standard-Urheberrechtslizenz
- Autoren/Mitwirkende
- Von (Autor): Lynette Charters, Fotos von: John Serembe
- Seiten
- 50
- Bindung
- Hardcover
- Farbe für den Innenteil des Buches
- Farbe
- Abmessungen
- US Brief (8,5 x 11 Zoll / 216 x 279 mm)