"And She Lived" is a collection of poems portraying the aspects of my human experience. It delves into the complexity of grief, of healing. It explores the journey from dark to light, from goodbyes to hellos. "And She Lived" reflects upon the there to here, and the power to overcome.
Warning: parts of this book contain themes of depression, anxiety, self-harm, grief, and suicide.
Since first publishing, revisions have been made.
- Date de publication
- Jan 20, 2024
- Langue
- English
- 9781304640734
- Catégorie
- Poésie
- Copyright
- Tous droits réservés - Licence de copyright standard
- Contributeurs
- Par (auteur): Emma-Rose Frangedakis
- Pages
- 134
- Reliure
- Livre à couverture rigide
- Couleur de l’intérieur
- Noir & Blanc
- Dimensions
- A5 (5,83 x 8,27 po / 148 x 210 mm)